Let Them be Frail   그들의 나약함을 내버려둬
2012, project and exhibition curated by Soyung Lee and Hyungji Park


"Frailties are not something you can overcome nor some negative energy that need to be converted to positive energy or hope; often, it is cowardly. Facing them, we are helpless. It hurts to witness such human frailties, and sometimes you just want to throw a big blow.
But let it be. Let’s yield to those impossible frailties for once. Even when you are shocked and hurt by betrayals or when you are depressed with sympathy, just look away and blame it on their frail nature." 
   –    Artist statement, 2012


"나약함은 반드시 극복할 수 있는 것이 아니고 희망으로 바꾸어야 하는 부정적 에너지도 아니고 때로 비겁하다. 그 앞에서 우리는 무력하다. 마음 아프지만 동시에 한 대 날려버리고 싶다. 그러나 내버려두자. 어쩔 수 없는 나약함에 한 번쯤 양보해보자. 뒤통수 맞는 통증에 울컥할 때에, 딱한 심정으로 우울해질 때에도 그저 그들의 유약한 생김으로 치부하고 슬며시 눈길 돌려주자."
   -    작가 노트, 2012


Exhibition view of Let Them be Frail, 2012

Another Day
two-channel video, 3 min 20 sec, exhibition view, Let Them be Frail, Seoul, 2012

Cowards always betray you
Pen on paper, 17.5 × 12.5 cm, exhibition view, Let Them be Frail, 2012

Pen and pencil on paper, 17 x 22 cm, exhibition view, Let Them be Frail, 2012


Exhibited works 전시 작품:
Gummybears' Picnic / Another Day, 2012
Cowards always betray you, 2012
Untitled (Drawing), 2006